Colin Bacon, web developer.

Request task cancellation extension method

Request task cancellation extension method

An extension method to request the cancellation of a CancellationTokenSource.

A common pattern I came across when writing async methods that could be cancelled with a CancellationTokenSource was:

if (this.cancellationTokenSource != null && !this.cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)

Instead of repeating the code across the project I wanted to encapsulate this into a method, extending the CancellationTokenSource class. So I refactored the code into an extension method.

public static class CancellationTokenSourceExtensions
    public static void CancelIfCancellable(this CancellationTokenSource ctx)
        if (ctx != null && !ctx.IsCancellationRequested)

This can be called like so.


Now our methods are much cleaner and simpler. Win!