Grunt task: Compiling to a destination without preserving the folder structure

It is not uncommon to have a complex folder structure for scss
or js
files. When compiling with Grunt, the outputted file will maintain the same file path as the original. To change this behaviour use the flatten
I am using scss
files for this example but the same is true for any other file.
Default behaviour
Here is the folder structure for our Sass files:
+-- sass
| +-- base
| | +-- _reset.scss
| | +-- _typography.scss
| +-- components
| | +-- header
| | | +-- _header.scss
| | +-- footer
| | | +-- _footer.scss
| +-- pages
| | +-- home
| | | +-- home.scss
| +-- utilities
| | +-- _icons.scss
| | +-- _mixins.scss
All files are under the sass
folder and are further nested within a folder structure.
Here is an example of the Grunt configuration for Sass:
sass: {
dist: {
files: [
expand: true, // Recursive
cwd: "Content/sass", // The startup directory
src: ["**/*.scss"], // Source files
dest: "Content/stylesheets", // Destination
ext: ".css" // File extension
is set as the relative path. expand: true
enables recursion and the output destination is Content/stylesheets
. Using our example home.scss
compiles to the stylesheets
folder keeping the same file path.
+-- stylesheets
| +-- pages
| | +-- home
| | | +-- home.css
Flattening the folder structure
Sometimes we may not want the same folder structure for the compiled files. To prevent this use the flatten
property. The Grunt task documentation describes the functionality as.
Remove all path parts from generated dest paths.
Adding this to the configuration:
sass: {
dist: {
files: [
expand: true, // Recursive
flatten: true,
cwd: "Content/sass", // The startup directory
src: ["**/*.scss"], // Source files
dest: "Content/stylesheets", // Destination
ext: ".css" // File extension
Outputs the stylesheet as stylesheets\home.css
+-- stylesheets
| +-- home.css
The flatten
property is used when the file path of the original file is not needed for the outputted file. We can have a folder structure that adds meaning to our pre-compile files without retaining it in the output.