Colin Bacon, web developer.

Recent posts for Tag 'XAML'


XAML Hot Reload for Xamarin.Forms - first impressions

XAML Hot Reload for Xamarin.Forms - first impressions

Disabling XAML debugging tools in Visual Studio

Disabling XAML debugging tools in Visual Studio

The tale of the list control, the async call and the layout cycle error

The tale of the list control, the async call and the layout cycle error

A pattern for responsive applications in WPF

A pattern for responsive applications in WPF

Extending the animation - fading out with storyboards and behaviours - WinRT | Windows 8.1 store apps

Extending the animation - fading out with storyboards and behaviours - WinRT | Windows 8.1 store apps

String to an object value converter - WinRT | Windows 8.1 store apps

String to an object value converter - WinRT | Windows 8.1 store apps

Windows 8.1 store apps: Creating a simple fade animation using storyboards and behaviors - WinRT

Windows 8.1 store apps: Creating a simple fade animation using storyboards and behaviors - WinRT